Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ode to progeny

So here's the thing.... My firstborn son has extracted under oath a promise from me: I would venture into the blogosphere once more. In return he has promised to relent from badgering, cajoling, pleading or even telegraphing a shard of contempt towards me for as long as I abide by the agreement. Lukas...if you are reading this: I did get up at 6am to write. I did put this abbreviated post to the keyboard. I did intend to write more, but realized the alarm was about to wake your fitfully and poorly rested mother because she planned to take the car to the dealer. Out of love I did it instead. Out of love.... So you are only allowed one-half a disdain plus perhaps a single micro-smidgen of disappointment. Love, I think you would agree, is at least a passable excuse.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I appreciate even the weakest of efforts. let's put it this way, the singular event that launched life from the banal pseudo-existence of autonomous single-cellular life was the formation of blue green algae colonies called stromatolites. Which is great, until you realize that what I just described amounts to the leap from a primordial soup to a primordial slime. aesthetically unimpressive, but developmentally critical.